29 August 2011

Salam Aidilfitri 2011

Ramadhan 1432H telah meninggalkan kita. Maka esok adalah diisytiharkan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1432H/2011. Dengan ini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" o(^o^)o buat semua orang muslim terutamanya mereka yang mengenali diri ini. Rakan-rakan di SKSN, SMS Tun Syed Sheh Shahabudin (SOKSEK), UiTM Penang, UiTM Kuala Pilah, UiTM Shah Alam, AMD Penang  serta Japanese Language Society UiTM ingin saya memohon kemaafan m(._.)m dari anda semua jika diri ini pernah melakukan kesilapan samada disedari atau tidak. Do forgive me for all the mistakes I've done. Semoga lebaran kali ini lebih bermakna buat kita semua. Hope we can see each other during raya or others open houses.

p/s: Hoping to get more duit raya this year for my trip to Japan d(-_^)

21 August 2011

My Internship at AMD : Part 1

Finally, I have the time to write about my industrial training at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Sdn Bhd. I've started my internship on 16th May 2011 and finished on the 19th August 2011 for 14 weeks. During that time, I was the only person from Faculty of Chemical Engineering UiTM since one of my course mate will come in after 2 weeks. Met my supervisor, Mr. CS Lim an engineer specialize in Heller oven. A very understanding supervisor, kind and always encourage me to learn new stuff since what I've done here was not so related with my course but hey engineering have such a huge scope. Let me introduce to you guys what was like to have industrial training at AMD using the pictures. Enjoy!! (^_^)v

Me and Sean, both of us are under same SV
Me with my SV Mr CS Lim
The library: Place for trainees to hangout, use PC and keep their bags

Other trainees from UIA, UTP, USM and UTeM

 P/s: Other pictures will be uploaded later. To be continue in Part 2